Isaac, Joel, Matilde, Priscilla, & Aaron

Isaac, Joel, Matilde, Priscilla, & Aaron

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quints 1st. Birthday

We ( my sisters, cousins, & mom) have been working very hard on the details of the quints birthday party..... since back in January we decided to make "Baby Mickey Mouse  & Friends" the theme of it, most of the decorations (if not everything) was hand made!!!

My cousin Diana designed the banner, the birthday cards (Mickey & Minnie), center pieces, etc....  also I baked the cupcakes, and my dad prepared the food.

The big celebration was done yesterday at my church...

the main table.... the hats came out really cute!

Aaron & Priscilla


Joel & Isaac
(Joel always gets scared with the "happy b-day song")
(Isaac.... just don't want to wear the hat)

 The Birthday Cake
Thanks Alma

 The Clubhouse

Singing..... (Joel crying :s )

 getting them out of the seat
(thank you Elle for it)


 P. Sofia

Matilde (a little scared)

 Joel..... uncle Alex getting him out
Isaac with Enrique

 Funny face....?

 Mona & Aaron

 Grecia and Denisse
Matilde and Sofia

 Alex & Joel

 Isaac & Enrique
(eyes closed as always)

 Sofia with her dearest uncle Mike!!!

 My dad and Robert with Mati

 The Green Triplets

 The Gonzalez Twins
Diego & Santiago

Mami, Jacob, David & Geisy
(you can actually see the banner in this pic)

 Mon, Fab, & Ari

Me with Paola and her children

 Elsie & Aaron

The busy dad with Jose and Matilde

a view of the salon.... it was crawded

Elizabeth and her nieces
(love you friend)

 The Gifts
(thank you, thank you)

 My mom, cousin Daniella & Venus
cleaning up....  these were the center pieces and the
salon decorations

Thanks to everyone that helped me and Diana   ^_*
(unfortunately there is not a pic of her)

On the actual B-day
July 31st.

Again, we sang to them earlier today on the day they were born at 2:23 (same tinme of the delivery).
This time is was just with my realtives..